On Jan 9, 4:36 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonay Herrera) wrote:
> Hello,
> I try  to  print (get)  a specific text selection from  a  text file,
> but  I don't know  how to  do  it:
> What I try  todo  is  to open a  file search  a string and  print
> the  follow lines from that  string until he found  a white line. then
> he need to stop.  so can i  get  the  lines (strings) that i need.
> #!/opt/perl/bin/perl  -w
> use  strict;
> #variable
> my @horcm_file;
> sub  readdata{
>   open(HORCM, "/etc/horcm10.conf") || die  ("File error");
>   @horcm_file = <HORCM>;
>   chomp(@horcm_file);
>   close(HORCM);
>   return(@horcm_file);
> }
> my @pipo=readdata();
> foreach (@pipo){
>   /HORCM_INST/ or next;
>   print;
> }

You're looking for the "flip flop" operator, which looks just like the
range operator: ..

while (my $line = <$file>) {
   if (/HORCM_INST/ .. /^\s*$/) {
       print $line;

read more about it in:
perldoc perlop

Paul Lalli

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