On Jan 7, 1:50 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Moon) wrote:
>  [>>] ...
> Please try (not tested). Placeholders help me a lot:
> my $sth_insert = $dbh->prepare('Insert into info (id, name, grade,
> phone, cell, house, car)
>                    values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)')
>         or die DBI->errstr;
> while (<DATA>){
>         #---------------------------------------#
>         # Some control statements #
>         #---------------------------------------#
>         print "STEP-$stp\n";
>         ($id, $name, $grade, $phone, $cell, $house, $car) = split(":");
>         print "\$id     = $id   \n";
> [>>] ...
>         print "\$car    = $car  \n";
>         print "\n";
>         [>>]die DBI->errstr unless $sth_insert->execute($id, $name,
> $grade, $phone, $cell, $house, $car);
>         $stp++;}
> [>>] ...

Hi John,

Thanks for your reply.
I tried your suggestion with the Placeholder:

        my $sqlInsertStmt = "insert into $table
                          (id, name, grade, phone, cell, house, car)
                          values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

        $sth = $dbh -> prepare ($sqlInsertStmt) || die DBI -> errstr;
        die DBI -> errstr unless $sth -> execute ($id, $name, $grade, $phone,
$cell, $house, $car);

unfortunately, I get the same error message when I run:

$queryStmt = "select * from $table";
$sth = $dbh -> prepare ($queryStmt);
$sth -> execute() || die "ERROR: " . DBI -> errstr();

then try to format and print the content of the fields:

while (my @result = $sth -> fetchrow_array()){
        #print "@result\n";
        printf "%s %2d\n", "ID:    ", $result[0];
        printf "%s %s \n", "Name:  ", $result[1];
        printf "%s %d \n", "Grade: ", $result[2];
        printf "%s %s \n", "Phone: ", $result[3];
        printf "%s %s \n", "Cell:  ", $result[4];
        printf "%s %d \n", "house: ", $result[5];
        printf "%s %d \n", "car:   ", $result[6];
        print "\n";

Only the content of the first 2 fields is displayed:
ID:      2
Name:   Helmut Schmidt
Use of uninitialized value in printf at ./parseDataIntoDBTable.pl line
Grade:  0
Use of uninitialized value in printf at ./parseDataIntoDBTable.pl line
Use of uninitialized value in printf at ./parseDataIntoDBTable.pl line
Use of uninitialized value in printf at ./parseDataIntoDBTable.pl line
house:  0
Use of uninitialized value in printf at ./parseDataIntoDBTable.pl line
car:    0

Any other idea?
Is there any other way to display the content of the table?

Thanks for your help


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