On Jan 14, 5:08 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gunnar Hjalmarsson) wrote:
> > I'm a nearly absolute beginner to Perl,
> Then this site ought to be useful:http://learn.perl.org/
> > and a lot of the text manipulation things confuse me.
> Really? Which things specifically, and in what way?
> > I have a large text file with
> > information essentially broken into lines like this:
> > findable text with a regexp
> > information I care about
> > more findable text
> > There are plenty of sections like this in the file. How can I write a
> > program that opens the file then searches for the middle line and
> > prints it to a new file?
> What have you tried so far?
> Example:
>      open my $IN,  '<', 'infile.txt' or die $!;
>      open my $OUT, '>', 'outfile.txt' or die $!
>      while ( <$IN> ) {
>          print $OUT scalar <$IN> if /^findable/;
>      }
> --
> Gunnar Hjalmarsson
> Email:http://www.gunnar.cc/cgi-bin/contact.pl

OK here's what I've got:

use strict;
use warnings;

open (OUT, ">output.txt") or die "Couldn't open output: $!";
open (IN, "input.txt") or die "Couldn't open input: $!";

while (<IN>) {
        print OUT $_;

close OUT;
close IN;

This (obviously) copies the whole text file. How can I select only
certain lines to copy based on either the line above or below it?

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