This I cannot get my mind around...

My data:

SNP  Genotype
1       CC
1       CT
1       TT
1       NN

It seems to me that I need a hash of hashes.

Inner hash:

$inner{ $Genotype }++ ;

Since the value of the out hash ( $outer{ $SNP } ) has to be a scalar, this
scalar has to be a reference to the inner hash, correct?  If so, how do I
declare them?

my %outer ;

Or should it be a reference to an anonymous hash?

my $outer = +{} ;

So that my code might look like:

$outer -> { $SNP }{ $Genotype }++ ;

Any help or reference is appreciated.  My text on hand are "Mastering Perl
for Bioinformatics", "Perl for C Programmers", and the Llama book.

Thank you,


Kevin Viel, PhD
Post-doctoral fellow
Department of Genetics
Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research
San Antonio, TX 78227 

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