On Jan 24, 2008 12:34 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can anyone provide a real example of using File::Monitor?

Aren't the examples in the docs and the t/ directory "real" enough for
you? There's even a file in the examples/ directory; it looks pretty
real to me. Does it work for you?


> With a few minor (but probably wrong) changes I get nothing printed
> when the file is altered during the sleep.  The program just runs 10
> seconds and closes.

How do you know that the file was altered "during the sleep"? For
example, it could be that you tried to change a file, but your change
was still in an output buffer, and not yet flushed to disk, when the
second scan occurred.

Did the module pass all tests before you installed it?

Hope this helps!

--Tom Phoenix
Stonehenge Perl Training

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