Hi Folks,

I have the following code:

use IO::Compress::Gzip     qw(gzip   $GzipError);


            gzip "$company.$ext.$date" => "$company.$ext.$date.gz",
                  BinModeIn            => 1 or do {
                     warn "Failed to gzip file: $company.$ext.$date:
                     next DOTDONE;

The file "$company.$ext.$date" is created in the immediately preceding
step and definitely contains data, but the resulting compressed file is
empty, and the warn statement is not executed.

I've extracted and wrapped this code to create a little test program
which works fine, that is, the resulting compressed file contains the
data I expect.

Does anyone know what could possibly be going wrong? Same code, 2
different programs. One works the other does not.
I'm baffled.

Any help is appreciated.


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