On 02/14/2008 09:33:51 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-> I admit, after making my post and taking a break, I had gotten a
-> little ahead of myself when stating this problem.  Basically, I had
-> reached a point where I was able to get to @arr3, and couldn't figure
-> the rest out; the previous stuff I figured out.  I felt I needed to
-> come up with some background info and perhaps it just made things
-> more
-> confusing.  More significantly, I also didn't know much of the
-> correct
-> terminology/what things were called officially...
-> If you're curious to know the background info (I wanted to make it as
-> less specific as possible), I have a table in a MySQL database that
-> contains a list of tailored information about other tables in that
-> same database.  Certain technicalities had forced me not to use
-> InnoDB's and thus, I cannot use any foreign keys; the information
-> within that table of tables is a way for me to automatically make
-> those connections between tables.  When I mentioned A and C in @arr1,
-> A is a record that represents another table in that database, C
-> likewise.  B is also a record in the table, and there are references
-> to A = B and B = C/they link together...
-> Thus, if you're attempting to come up with a dynamic select query,
-> you'll have to come up with some tricky coding to include all the
-> tables that are given within the statement.  ie, if you specify a
-> field from one table, and a field from another, you'll have to
-> specify
-> something like this: SELECT A.field1, C.field1 FROM A, C;

i am not the expert but i do have to ask: nick, do you know what a "hash" is?

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