From: "Chas. Owens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 9:43 PM, Panda-X <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sorry... the email is unfinished, the reason why I need to do this is
> >  because
> >  I don't want to pollute the existed codes / context ... the original print
> >  statements would
> >  like to retain, but I can still do the translations by adding :
> >  use OverridePrint;
> >  in a common module that all existed scripts are now using.
> snip
> You can find out whether or not a core function can be overridden by
> calling the prototype* function with that function's name prepended
> with CORE::.  If it returns a prototype, then you can override it, if
> it returns undef, then you cannot.  Unfortunately for you, print can
> not be overriden (most likely because of its indirect object syntax
> file handle wonkiness); however, there is another way: source filters.
>  You can use Filter::Simple to replace every call to print with a call
> to my_print.  Please note that it isn't quite that simple though.

No need for source filters. All you have to do is to implement 
whatever special behaviour you need for a tied (magical) filehandle 
    perldoc perltie
    perldoc Tie::Handle
) and then create and select the filehandle:

use OverridePrint;
tie *FH, 'OverridePrint'; # plus whatever other parameters you need

Basicaly the whole point is that instead of overriding print() for 
all filehandles you override it just for that one filehandle ...

===== [EMAIL PROTECTED] === =====
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
        -- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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