On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 10:28 AM, obdulio santana

>  I want to read the following keys [home][End][Pageup][Page down]

I think you're trying to capture an escape sequence, which is a series
of characters sent for certain keystrokes. I'm appending below an
example program that uses Term::ReadKey. The program isn't quite
correct, but I hope trying your keystrokes while it's running will
help you to get to the next step. Good luck with it!

--Tom Phoenix
Stonehenge Perl Training


use strict;
use warnings;

use Term::ReadKey;

sub readable {
  my $result = '';
  for my $char (split //, join '', @_) {
    if ($char ge ' ' and $char le '~' and $char ne '\\') {
      $result .= $char;
    } else {
      my $ord = ord $char;
      if ($ord < 128) {
        $result .= sprintf "\\x%02x", $ord;
      } else {
        $result .= sprintf "\\x{%x}", $ord;

END { ReadMode 'restore' }

ReadMode 'raw';

print "Type !!! to quit\n";

my $bang_count = 0;

while (1) {
  my $input;
  while (my $key = ReadKey -1) {
    $input .= $key;
  if (not defined $input) {
    # nothing typed... wait a moment...
    select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1);
  } elsif (length($input) > 1 and $input =~ /^\e/) {
    print qq{Escape sequence: "}, readable($input), qq{"\n};
  } else {
    if ($input eq '!') {
      exit if ++$bang_count >= 3;
    } else {
      $bang_count = 0;
    print qq{You typed "}, readable($input), qq{"\n};


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