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Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
Wolf wrote:
---- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I wish to run my perl/cgi scripts from Windows Internet explorer in offline mode, therefore I need to activate some kind of servers, can someone here recommend me some free servers.


You'll also want to get php and mysql from http://www.php.net and http://www.mysql.com

Or you can get all of it (well, not MySQL,) in one bundle at http://www.indigostar.com/indigoperl.htm

I wanted to use apache but it seems quite difficult to get it up, please correct me if I am wrong.

You are wrong. ;-) If you install IndigoPerl, as I suggested, you get Apache installed and configured at the same time. AFAIK, there is no easier way to get Apache up and running for test purposes.

As I am getting the server just to run my perl script in MS Internet explorer, for learning purposes, I want something easy to install and get it up running.

Then you should go for IndigoPerl.

Why do I get error for this :-

print "hello world";

Maybe because you tried to run a script with that content as a CGI script (from MSIE), while you don't have Apache or any other web server installed.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson
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