Thanks, this is really helpful. In addition, is there a way to print
the cpu cycles taken from *ux command prompt?
I have worked with tools that, at the end of their job, print out the
cpu cycles it took for them.
I would assume that they use some command from *ux to do this.


On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 6:21 PM, Chas. Owens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 7:21 AM, Sharan Basappa
>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  snip
> > I am implementing two algos to solve same problem. I would like to
>  > measure the performance of these 2 algos
>  > (in terms of CPU cycles or wall clock etc.)
>  > I have seen some explanation in some library document in perl the
>  > comparison between different algos.
>  snip
>  You can use the Benchmark* module to compare two or more functions.
>  What follows is a script that compares various methods of rotating an
>  array.  You should also look into big O and little o notation.  The
>  first few chapters of any good algorithms book should tell you what
>  you need to know.
>  #!/usr/bin/perl
>  use strict;
>  use warnings;
>  use Benchmark;
>  my @a;
>  my %subs = (
>         left_push_shift   => sub { push @a, shift @a; return 0 },
>         left_slice        => sub { @a = (@a[1..$#a], $a[0]); return 0 },
>         right_unshift_pop => sub { unshift @a, pop @a; return 0 },
>         right_slice       => sub { @a = (pop @a, @a); return 0 },
>  );
>  print "test with ten elements\n";
>  for my $sub (sort keys %subs) {
>         @a = 1 .. 9;
>         $subs{$sub}->();
>         printf "%-20s %s\n", $sub, join " ", map {"[$_]"} @a;
>  }
>  for my $n (10, 100, 1_000, 10_000) {
>         @a = 1 .. $n;
>         print "results for n of $n\n";
>         Benchmark::cmpthese(-1, \%subs);
>  }
>  *
>  --
>  Chas. Owens
>  The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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