my $input =q(C:\Windows\%Person%\%Class%);

my @vars = $input =~ /%([^%]+)%/g;

local $, = $/;
print @vars;

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 10:20 PM, Ley, Chung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a program that will take in a string that will resolve to a path
> where the output is going to store.
> The path can includes "variables" in this format "%<VariableName>%".
> The acceptable variableNames that the program will support are fixed to
> a list such as "Person", "Class", "Dept".  This list may grow in the
> future; but for now it is fixed.
> So, some of the acceptable strings are:
> C:\Windows\%Person%\%Class%
> C:\MyHomeDir\%Dept%\%Person%
> C:\MyHomeDir\%Dept%_%Person%
> and etc...
> I like to develop a validate method to return false when the string in
> between the % pair don't belong to the acceptable list, and was trying
> to do that with an expression.
> - Look for the string that is in between the "%" by the closest pair.
> - The "%" pair must start at the "odd" occurrence and finish on the
> "next even" occurrence...  Don't know how to describe this exactly, but
> I don't want it to pack this up ("InBetween") from this
> (C:\MyHomeDir\%Dept%InBetween%Person) even though it is in between a %
> pair.
> - Then compare the string within the "%" pair to see if it belongs to
> the "acceptable" list or not.
> Is using a regular expression the right approach here?  or I should just
> iterate thru?
> Thanks...
> --Chung Ley

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