John W. Krahn wrote:
Richard Lee wrote:
Dr.Ruud wrote:

But better stop guessing and let Richard answer.

yes, variables are particular names and later I wanted to refer back by variable names.

However, for now I have done this so far so I just added as array instead of breaking out by var names..
-- code is incomplete (meaning I haven't finished yet) --

use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;

my $directory = q#/home/server1/arch#;
my @array = qx/ls -tr $directory | tail -1/;

You are only getting one file name (tail -1) so why are you assigning it to an array? It would be more efficient to do that directly in perl. Also you haven't removed the newline.

my @hh;
for ( @array ) {
       my $file = $_;

Usually written as:

for my $file ( @array ) {

Since @array only has one file name in it why do you need the loop?

open FILE, "ls -tr | zcat -d $directory/$file |", or die qq/you

My version of zcat does not have a -d switch, what does it do on your system? It appears that "ls -tr | " in front of zcat is superfluous? What do you think it will do there?

truly suck $!\n/;
       my $count;
       my %hh;
       while (<FILE>) {
            next if /^$/;
            next if /^#/;
my @array = map $_||'default', (split

Why does this array have the same name as the other array in file scope?

            next if $array[0] eq 'default';
            $array[10] =~ s/\,/\-/g;

More efficient as:

             $array[10] =~ tr/,/-/;

            push @hh, [EMAIL PROTECTED];
       close FILE;

When you close a piped open you should verify that the pipe closed correctly:

         close FILE
             or warn $! ? "Error closing ls pipe: $!"
                        : "Exit status $? from ls";


print "===================================================================================================\n\n";

my %missing_address;
my %duration_report;

for (@hh) {
   my $yahoo = $_;

Usually written as:

for my $yahoo ( @hh ) {

$missing_address{$$yahoo[1]}++ if $$yahoo[8] =~ /^default$/ and $$yahoo[0] != m/espn|google|msn/;
   $$yahoo[4] +=

$$yahoo[] is usually written as $yahoo->[].

$$yahoo[8] =~ /^default$/ is usually written as $yahoo->[8] eq 'default'.

$$yahoo[0] != m/espn|google|msn/ is incorrect, you probably meant $yahoo->[0] !~ m/espn|google|msn/.


if (%missing_cics) {
  for (keys %missing_address) {
      print "MISSING ADD: $_ : $missing_address{$_} \n";

for (keys %duration_report) {
    print "total duration $_  : $duration_report{$_}\n";

thanks for pointing things out.. I am going to finish this script tonight and incoporate correction and post.. thank you so much

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