On Jun 8, 5:03 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Dixon) wrote:
> oldgeezer wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > Last week I discovered this perl.beginners group.
> > Good stuff here, albeit many times hard to grasp
> > the answers. But I'm learning.
> > What I would like to understand is why looping
> > 2 times through 5000 lines takes less time than
> > looping 5000 times through 2 lines.
> > To show what I mean, I wrote a snippet that
> > does nothing with the data and yet the first
> > part is 5 times faster than the second part
> > (in my pc anyway).
> > Thanks.
> > Rob.
> > #!/usr/bin/perl
> > use strict;
> > use warnings;
> > use POSIX qw(clock);
> > #just create a small array for this test
> > my @few=();
> > for my $i(1...2){push @few, $i};
> > #just create a big array for this test
> > my @many=();
> > for my $i(1...500000){push @many, $i};
> > # part 1, loop few times over much data
> > my $time_1=clock();
> > foreach my $val (@few){
> >     foreach my $other(@many) {} #do zilch
> > }
> > my $time_2=clock();
> > my $delta1=$time_2-$time_1;
> > print "Delta1 $delta1\n";
> > # part 2, loop many times over few data
> > my $time_3=clock();
> > foreach my $val (@many){
> >     foreach my $other(@few) {} #do zilch
> > }
> > my $time_4=clock();
> > my $delta2=$time_4-$time_3;
> > print "Delta2 $delta2\n";
> > exit 0;
> In addition to what others have said, it is worth doing the same experiment 
> for
> an empty loop:
>   foreach my $val (@many){
>   }
> to see how much overhead there is for each iteration of the loop.
> You should also investigate the Benchmark module, which makes comparisons such
> as these more convenient.
> Rob

Hi all,

Sorry for the late response, I've been busy doing something else.

As a newbie in this perl.beginners, I did not know that it is a
good thing to tell what purpose the script has.
My script is purely hobby. All my scripts are.

I understand it now, I simply overlooked:
>> How many times do you create a new iteration
>> variable <snip>

And then someone replied:
>>In either case ... do not worry.
I did not worry. My script works okay,
I only wondered why reshuffling a loop
made a big difference in time.

I wasn't aware that a  Benchmark module exists.
Seems worth playing with it. Which I will do.

The code I wrote in my question was only to give
you an idea what I was talking about, not the real
code because then I would have given the data
that I work on as well.
It is not secret data, but they are long lines and I
was afraid they would wrap.

But you also made me aware of a mistake
I always made until now. The three periods in
     for (x...y)
I must have inherited that error from
another language. Probably from an
interpreter I wrote myself some 30
years ago.
Thanks for all the help.

Below I give you the original lines in my script.
I usually write a lot of comment lines, because
I know myself. After some time I forget why I did
something, and then reinvent the wheel.
The script is a CGI. Data in the data base
is separated with a  ';'  (is that called a semi-colon?
I am not native english).

foreach my $entry (uniq @IK){
  foreach my $line(@DATA) {
    # Note /;$entry;/ takes longer than
    # /$entry;/ and that takes longer than /$entry/
    # But /$entry/ also splits remarks_entries.
    # So I need the trailing ';' because they
    # are not in the remarks_entries
    # Appending the i, like: /$entry/i slows
    # down too. I don't need it.
    # Prepending m, like m/$entry/
    # does not change anything (timewise).
    # For the average person /$entry;/ is fastest
    if($line=~ /$entry;/) {
     splitline($line); [EMAIL PROTECTED] changes when I splitline
     #next; don't do this. It makes it slower

Swapping the first two foreach-lines make a
big time difference, @DATA is the data base
and is about 5000 lines, @IK varies from 1
to around 20 strings, dependent on the request
POSTed to the CGI-script.

'uniq' and 'splitline' are subs. There is
a trick. @IK changes in the loop, but
the 'uniq @IK' is only defined once and
is not changed by the loop. The changed @IK
is used later again for some other reason.

Oh, and those trailing ';' after all the '}'
may well be superfluous. But I like to see
when a } is really the end of a block
and will not be followed by an else or
something like that. I know: emacs does
a nice indentation, but still I (personally)
like to see that ';'

Thanks again,


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