
I'm using this script below to grab single pages from a site. I then
parse the file, stripping the HTML, leaving plain text, which writes
to that file.

use strict; use HTML::Stripper; use LWP::Simple qw( get );      my
$stripper = HTML::Stripper->new(        skip_cdata => 1, strip_ws => 0  );      
$page_html = get('      http://www.google.com/  ');     open (FILE,  ">
http___www.google.com_.txt      print FILE $stripper-
>strip_html($page_html);        Close(FILE);

What I want to do is use a search function in Perl to find a regular
expression, one word, write it to a file with surrounding text, nine
or ten to the right or left, and then highlight the regular
expression. Is there a perl mod. to do this. I couldn't find anything
on CPAN.


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