Hi all,

   I have two files,one is label file,another is thickness file, they are one 
to one correspondence, for example:
   the label file is :          2     2     3      2      1     3     4     5   
  2     5     1     4  ......
   the thickness file is:    0.3  0.8   0.2   0.1   2.4   0.9  3.2  0.2   0.1  
0.3   2.1   2.3 ......
 Now I want to calculate  the sum and mean thickness of the same labeled,  just 
like this:
   label 1 : 2.4
   label 2 : (0.3+0.8+0.1 +0.1)/4
   label 3 : (0.2+2.4)/2
   label 4 : (3.2+2.3)/2
   label 5 : (0.2+0.3)/2
and then there is also a index [3  4] to select the label, so in the end ,I 
want to get the sum and mean of  (0.2+2.4)/2,  (3.2+2.3)/2.

I'm a beginner to perl, and don't know how to implement this with perl,could 
you give me some suggestion? thanks in advance!

bin lv

The Key Lab of Complex Systems and Intelligence Science,
Institute of Automation,
Chinese Academy of Sciences. 

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