onlineviewer wrote:
> Can someone tell me the proper syntax to print out the value in a
> reference?
> Thank you.,,

I'm not sure what you mean. Look:

> my $string = '';
> open my $scalar_fh, '>>', \$string;

So you have opened a file handle to append to the scalar $string.

> my $log_message = "here is my string...";
> print $scalar_fh $log_message;

And now you have printed "here is my string..." to that file handle. If you
examine the contents of $string you will see that it has worked.

Now $string eq "here is my string..." and $scalar_fh is a file handle (a glob
reference) so I don't understand what you're trying to do here.

> foreach my $fh ($scalar_fh) {
>         print "$fh";
> }

There is only one item in your list, $scalar_fh, so the loop is executed once,
and it is the same as

  print "$scalar_fh";

Perl tries its best to display the value of the file handle, but it's not a very
meaningful thing to do.

Do you mean just this?

  print $string, "\n";



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