Leonid L wrote:
> On Jun 27, 1:52 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Lalli) wrote:
>> On Jun 26, 5:50 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leonid L) wrote:
>>> Many of the proposed solutions I've found on Google do not work for
>>> me, perhaps because they assume Unix/Linux host.
>> Or, perhaps because you're doing something wrong?   How about posting
>> one of these methods that "don't work", so we can evaluate for
>> ourselves?
>>>  I need a sub that
>>> will reliably tell me whether a given directory isempty(I am running
>>> Perl on Win XP, NTFS file system). Please give your implementation a
>>> quick test on a similar platform before posting.
>> There's a couple hundred ways.  Here's two:
>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>> use strict;
>> use warnings;
>> mkdir("working_dir") or die "Cannot create working_dir: $!";
>> chdir("working_dir") or die "Cannot change to working_dir: $!";
>> mkdir("empty") or die "Can't createempty: $!";
>> mkdir("subdir") or die "Can't create subdir: $!";
>>         mkdir("subdir/foo") or die "Can't create subdir/foo: $!";
>> mkdir("file") or die "Can't create file: $!";
>>         open my $ofh, '>', "file/bar" or die "Can't create file/bar: $!";
>> close $ofh;
>> mkdir("dotfile") or die "Can't create dotfile: $!";
>>         open my $ofh2, '>', "dotfile/.baz" or die "Can't create dotfile/.baz:
>> $!"; close $ofh2;
>> for my $dir(qw/emptysubdir file dotfile/) {
>>         print is_empty1($dir) ? "$dirisempty\n" : "$diris notempty\n";
>>         print is_empty2($dir) ? "$dirisempty\n" : "$diris notempty\n";
>> }
>> sub is_empty1 {
>>   my $dir= shift;
>>   my @contents = grep { ! /^$dir\/\.\.?$/ } glob("$dir/* $dir/.*");
>>   return @contents == 0;
>> }
>> sub is_empty2 {
>>   my $dir= shift;
>>   opendir my $dh, $diror die "Cannot open $dir: $!";
>>   my @contents = grep { ! /^\.\.?$/ } readdir($dh);
>>   return @contents == 0;}
>> __END__
>> Results:emptyisemptyemptyisempty
>> subdir is notempty
>> subdir is notempty
>> file is notempty
>> file is notempty
>> dotfile is notempty
>> dotfile is notempty
>> This is perl, v5.10.0 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
>> Paul Lalli
> Thank you all for your posts. The second version works better when the
> file path looks like "\\server\subDirL1\subDirl2\...".
> I find Python version a bit more readable:
> import os
> def dirEmpty(path):
>     return len(os.listdir(path)) == 0
> Still, it is too bad that in either language there is no simple API
> call that would return a simple True/False answer that I am looking
> for ...

How about this?


sub dirempty {
  my $path = shift;
  listdir($path) == 0;

sub listdir {
  my $path = shift;
  opendir my $dh, $path or return undef;
  grep { not /^\.\.?$/ } readdir $dh;

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