icarus wrote:
what this does: it classifies a file based on its modification date.

example: xfile1 is dated July 9, 2008.  If it doesn't exist, the
program creates a
directory structure 2008/July/09 and places xfile1 there.
Then it creates a log with the steps done.

So...in the system the result is 2008/July/09/xfile1
The log entry looks like "xfile1 => 2008/July/09"

problem: When I send an INT signal (Control+C) from the keyboard for
it exists nicely, it finishes whatever file it needed to finish, and
it classifies the file
properly.  However, it misses some entries on the log file.  Out of
4,000 files if you INT the program twice or three times it won't write
about 2 or 3 entries on the log.

It sounds like you are "Suffering from Buffering" http://perl.plover.com/FAQs/Buffering.html

What you need to do is open the log file once at the beginning of the program and then apply autoflush to the log filehandle.

How can I not lose an entry on the log file? if you have other
suggestions to make this code
more efficient please let me know. Thanks in advance.

Perhaps something like this (UNTESTED):

use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Copy 'move';
use File::Path 'mkpath';
use POSIX 'strftime';

my @target_directories = (
my $files_moved = 'test.log';
my $condition   = 0;

open my $LOG, '>>', $files_moved or die "Cannot open '$files_moved' $!";
select $LOG;
$| = 1; #flush buffers on $files_moved_fh

my @all_signals = qw( STOP KILL ABRT QUIT TERM INT TSTP HUP );
sub signal_handler {
    my $signal = shift;
    $condition = 1;
for my $list ( @all_signals ) {
    $SIG{ $list } = \&signal_handler;

for my $xdir ( @target_directories ) {
    chdir $xdir or die "Cannot chdir '$xdir' $!";
    opendir my $source_dir, '.' or die "Cannot open '$xdir' $!";

    while ( my $xfile = readdir $source_dir ) {

        # skip directories including . and ..
        next if -d $xfile;

        #extract year, month, day when $xfile was last modified
        # eg 2008/July/9
        my $dir = strftime '%Y/%b/%-d', localtime( ( lstat $xfile )[9] )

        if ( ! -e $dir ) {
            mkpath [ $dir ], 0, 0750 or die "Cannot mkpath '$dir' $!";
        move $xfile, $dir or die "Cannot move '$xfile' $!";
        # print to the autoflushed log file now
        print "$xfile => $dir\n";
        exit if $condition;


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