Prabu Ayyappan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asked:
> My Perl CGI script is working fine when i run the code in the 
> command prompt as "perl myscript.cgi" . However when i run 
> the same code in the browser(Internet Explorer), It is not 
> working properly.

Have you tried running the script as the user id the web
server is running under?

> I am using "YAML::Syck" module in my CGI Script to parse the 
> YAML file. So i use this module to read the YAML file and 
> store it in a hash 
> $data = LoadFile($fpath)
> I will place some logic here and list the values in a select box.
> The code is working fine till this select box after that it 
> is not displaying anything in the browser(view source 
> displays till the select). However the same code is running 
> in the  command prompt with the complete HTML generated.

I would suggest you install the CGI::Carp module and

  use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

in your code if you aren't using it yet.

Add some code to verify that $fpath points to a file and that
you can actually open it. Check if $data is valid.


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