Can someone assist me in modifying the the script below to support the

1)define proxy server
2)the URL being accessed via LWP is protected, so I need to specify
username/passwd combo

Thanks in advance,

 # script: webLazarus

 use LWP::Simple;
 use constant URL       => '';
 use constant APACHECTL => '/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl';
 $MAIL                  =  '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
 $MAIL_FLAGS            =  '-t -oi';
 $WEBMASTER             =  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';

 head(URL) || resurrect();

 sub resurrect {
     open (STDOUT,"| $MAIL $MAIL_FLAGS") || die "mail: $!";
     select STDOUT; $| = 1;
     open (STDERR,">&STDOUT");

     my $date = localtime();
     print <<END;
 From: The Watchful Web Server Monitor <nobody>
 Subject: Web server is down

 I tried to call the Web server at $date but there was
 no answer.  I am going to try to resurrect it now:

 Mumble, mumble, mumble, shazzzzammmm!


     system APACHECTL,'restart';

     print <<END;

 That's the best I could do.  Hope it helped.

 Worshipfully yours,

 The Web Monitor
     close STDERR;
     close STDOUT;

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