just trying to learn pack/unpack function in perl..


I thought i followed pretty much to the teeth from the tutorial itself and when I type them into my linux box , it didn't exactly work the way
I expected them to.. What am I doing wrong?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# cat -A pack_test2.pl
use strict;$
use warnings;$
my $tot_income;$
my $tot_expend;$
use POSIX;$
my $date = POSIX::strftime("%m/%d/%Y", localtime);$
while (<DATA>) {$
   my($date, $desc, $income, $expend) = unpack("A10 A27 A7 A*", $_);$
       $tot_income += $income;$
       $tot_expend += $expend;$
sub print_this {$
    my($tot_income,$tot_expend) = @_;$
    $tot_income = sprintf("%.2f", $tot_income); # Get them into $
    $tot_expend = sprintf("%.2f", $tot_expend); # "financial" format$
print pack("A10 A27 A7 A*", $date, "Totals", $tot_income, $tot_expend);$
01/24/2001 Ahmed's Camel Emporium                  1147.99$
01/28/2001 Flea spray                                24.99$
01/29/2001 Camel rides to tourists      235.00$

But it's not working out well..

Argument "" isn't numeric in addition (+) at ./././././././pack_test2.pl line 14, <DATA> line 1. Argument "" isn't numeric in addition (+) at ./././././././pack_test2.pl line 14, <DATA> line 2. 07/19/2008Totals 0.00 1147.9907/19/2008Totals 0.00 1172.9807/19/2008Totals 235.00 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]#

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