Ravi Malghan wrote:
> Hi: I have a script which connects to a database when it starts up 
>   $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=$dbname;host=$host;port=$port;",
>       "$username", "$password", {AutoCommit => 1});
> followed by a while loop which runs a query for this connection at 60
> intervals. If the database goes down for some reason, I want the
script to
> try reconnecting to the database. How do I figure out within the while
> if the database connection is still valid. If tried using the $dbh
> (if ($dbh)then connection is fin. else connection is bad). That
doesn't seem
> to work. How do I figure out if the $dbh connection has been lost
within the
> while loop?

I suggest you connect to the database every time around the loop instead
of just
once before it. If you use the connect_cached method instead of connect
then the
connection will be verified and used again if it is still valid.



I have seen  in other implementations.    using a  simple   "select
sysdate from dual"  (which is very  fast since it does not query any
table) type of check and trapping  the response  to see if it is
connected.  But, that will take  more instructions than  simply
re-connecting,  don't know  how  much of a performance  thing  it will
be versus  the "select/check",  Though  if  Rob suggests a re-connect,
he might already have been down that alley.


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