> i have installed Spreadshee::ParseExcel to parse some large excel data
> files.
> Here is the problem I'm facing. I need to parse data from columns M to P and
> rows 10 to 43000. Now I know that there is a PrintArea method that can print
> an area of a worksheet specified in (start row, start col, end row, end
> col). However I'm having difficulty in specifying these parameters correctly
> for the PrintArea method. I'm also not sure what the output is going to look
> like.

I found both the code and the documentation of this module very difficult to
understand. However I have an answer for you.

If you read the documentation carefully it says "Workbook class has these
properties:" before the list that includes PrintArea. What the author means by
properties is hash elements, so you can access the array of print areas for the
workbook by

  my $areas = $book->{PrintArea};

and the print areas for the first worksheet (did anyone else know an Excel
worksheet could have multiple print areas?!) can be displayed by

  print "@$_\n" foreach @{$areas->[0]};

But it has a bug whereby the hash element sometimes doesn't appear at all. I
sometimes had to ad a second sheet and give that a print area to make the
attribute appear.

However, if you remember that when the documentation refers to a 'property' it
means a hash element it will make much more sense.



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