I'm very new with PERL and have been given a task of doing some maint.

on an existing really big PERL program. What I'd like to ask is if the

I want to implement will work and ask for suggestions on how to make one

major change working with  subroutines.


The application makes use of a number of arrays that contain categories

and subcategories. What I'd like to do is to move these into a separate

file (extras.pl) and reference it with a "require". These structures

in the mainline program. Adding new categories involved editing the 

mainline code, so my thought was it would be easier and less trouble-

prone to put them in a separate file to which new ones could be added

easily. What I want to add to the external "required" file are these

objects. Can I do this pretty transparently and easily? Will I run into

serious problems by moving them to a separate file?



use vars qw(%config %category %paper %records);


%category = (


p02 => 'Diaries and Journals',

p03 => 'Indentures',

p04 => 'Letters',

p05 => 'Certificates',

p10 => 'Other Paper Items',



r02 => 'Birth and Death',

r03 => 'Marriage ',

r04 => 'Wills ',

r05 => 'Census',

r06 => 'Court and Probate',

r07 => 'Immigration and Ship Lists',

r08 => 'Military',

r09 => 'Maps',

r10 => 'Other Records',



%paper = (


p02 => 'Diaries and Journals',

p03 => 'Indentures',

p04 => 'Letters',

p05 => 'Certificates',

p10 => 'Other Paper Items',



%records = (


r02 => 'Birth and Death',

r03 => 'Marriage ',

r04 => 'Wills ',

r05 => 'Census',

r06 => 'Court and Probate',

r07 => 'Immigration and Ship Lists',

r08 => 'Military',

r09 => 'Maps',

r10 => 'Other Records',





Secondly, when additional categories are added, the program is coded

that a new subroutine has to be inserted dealing with that category. For

there would be a subroutine added for "paper" and one for "records". In

subroutine there are only 3 "references" to the item. For example,  in
the  "paper"

subroutine there are only these 3 places where "paper stuff" is
mentioned. Sample

is below (with non-relevant code removed). So, if we had 10 categories

would be ten subroutines - one for each category - differing only in the
3 places

where the category topic is mentioned.  My question - is it possible to
create only

one "generic" subroutine that could have the topic name plugged in
rather than

having ten almost-alike subroutines?  If so, can you recommend a sample

snippet that I can model the procedure after? 


These subroutines are accessed by :


elsif ($form{'action'} eq 'paper') { &paper; } #Paper Items Category

elsif ($form{'action'} eq 'records') { &records; } #Records Category



sub paper {


        print "<p align=center><b><font color=$config{'colortablebody'}
face=Arial size=2>Paper Categories</font></b></td></tr>";

    my $key;

    foreach $key (sort keys %paper) {




sub records {


        print "<p align=center><b><font color=$config{'colortablebody'}
face=Arial size=2>Records Categories</font></b></td></tr>";

    my $key;

    foreach $key (sort keys %records) {




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