
Sorry to hear that you're having trouble using my module,
Shell::POSIX::Select. As stated in the BUGS section at the end of the
module's documentation, various versions of Text::Balanced and/or
Filter::Simple (on which Select depends) have limitations that can
affect the module's source-code filtering activities and cause
the test that runs during installation to fail (which means the 
module won't always work correctly).

Unfortunately, there is currently no fix for these problems. However,
when I get some free time, I will see what I can do to correct this

Thanks for your interest in Shell::POSIX::Select!

|    Tim Maher, PhD  (206) 781-UNIX    http://www.consultix-inc.com    |
|     tim at ( TeachMePerl, TeachMeLinux, or TeachMeUnix ) dot Com     |
| 8/11: Perl  8/18: UNIX/Linux Shell  9/3: Int. Perl  9/15: Adv. Shell |
|  > "Minimal Perl for UNIX People" has been an Amazon Best Seller! <  |
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> To: beginners@perl.org
> From: Jiancong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: problem with module install about Shell::POSIX::Select
> Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 19:34:24 -0700 (PDT)
> Hi all:
>      When I install the "Shell-POSIX-Select" module into my system, I
> got the following error message from screen. After I searched on
> internet, I found any useful messages to resolve it. Could you tell me
> how to resolve it or where to find some useful messages.  Thanks a
> lot.
> PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-Iblib/lib" "-Iblib/arch" test.pl
> 1..19
>         Shell::POSIX::Select v0.05 Test Script
> ok 1 - alldefaults.cdump
> ok 2 - argv_heading.cdump
> ok 3 - arrayvar.cdump
> ok 4 - badvar.cdump
>         ** Code dumps unequally sized for eslect: 6420 vs. 6415
> not ok 5 - eslect.cdump
> #     Failed test (test.pl at line 257)
> Check eslect.cdump for clues
> ok 6 - localvar.cdump
> ok 7 - myvar.cdump
> ok 8 - nested2a.cdump
> ok 9 - nested2b.cdump
> ok 10 - nested2c.cdump
>         ** Code dumps unequally sized for nested_heading_prompt: 12916
> vs. 12855
> not ok 11 - nested_heading_prompt.cdump
> #     Failed test (test.pl at line 257)
> Check nested_heading_prompt.cdump for clues
> ok 12 - no_decl_var.cdump
> ok 13 - novar.cdump
> ok 14 - ourvar.cdump
> ok 15 - prompt.nested.cdump
> ok 16 - refvar.cdump
> ok 17 - reply.cdump
> ok 18 - select2foreach.cdump

|    Tim Maher, PhD  (206) 781-UNIX    http://www.consultix-inc.com    |
|     tim at ( TeachMePerl, TeachMeLinux, or TeachMeUnix ) dot Com     |
| 8/11: Perl  8/18: UNIX/Linux Shell  9/3: Int. Perl  9/15: Adv. Shell |
|  > "Minimal Perl for UNIX People" has been an Amazon Best Seller! <  |
|  * Download chapters, read reviews, and order at: MinimalPerl.com *  |

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