On Aug 18, 1:03 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anjan Purkayastha)
> hi,
> i'm struggling with a hash of arrays problem.
> suppose i create the following HOA:
> $HOA{$key}= [qw(a,b,c,d)];

I doubt that the results of that assignment is what you want/expect.


#use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

$key = 'key';
$HOA{$key}= [qw(a,b,c,d)];
print Dumper \%HOA;

Possible attempt to separate words with commas at C:\test\perl-2.pl
line 8.
Possible attempt to separate words with commas at C:\test\perl-2.pl
line 8.
Possible attempt to separate words with commas at C:\test\perl-2.pl
line 8.
$VAR1 = {
          'key' => [

I suspect you wanted this:
$HOA{$key}= [qw(a b c d)];

which will give you:
$VAR1 = {
          'key' => [

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