El Monday 25 August 2008 11:30:19 Anirban Adhikary va escriure:
> Dear List
> I have write the The following code to check a file and print only distinct
> lines to a new file and skips the duplicate lines. My source file is as
> follows
> hello how are you?
> hello how are you?
> What language did you want to use?
> What language did you want to use?
> I am here
> You are there
> this is my first perl script
> What language did you want to use?
> ###########################################################################
>#### my code is as follows
> #use strict;
> #use warnings;
> print "Enter the Absolutepath of the file\t";
> my $input=<STDIN>;
> chomp($input);
> dup($input);
> sub dup
> {
>   my $filename=shift;
>   my $count=0;
>   my @arr;
>   my $el;
>   my $element;
>   open(FH,"$filename");
>   while(<FH>)
>     {
>       chomp($_);
>       $element = $_;
>       if($count ==0)
>        {
>          push(@arr,$element);
>          $count+=1;
>          print "Count is $count\n";
>        }
>       else
>        {
>          foreach $el(@arr)
>           {
>             my $len=$#arr;
>             chomp($el);
>            # print "$element\n";
>             #print "The length of arr is $len\n";
>             if($el ==  $element)
>              {
>                print "\t######Inside If######\t\n";
>                print $element."\n";
>                next;
>                #push(@arr,$_);
>              }
>             elsif($el != $element)
>              {
>                push(@arr,$element);
>                print "\t########Inside Elseif\n";
>                #next;
>              }
>           }
>        }
>  }
> ###############################################################
> The problems I am facing are
> 1) The code is not getting entered into elsif block
> 2) I am comparing between 2 strings but if I use "eq" or "ne"  for
> comparison I am getting some horrible output so I am using numeric
> comparison.
> 3)If I am giving print the $element variable outside foreach loop it is
> getting printed but Inside foreach loop it is not showing anything.
> Can anybody Please suggest me where I am making the mistake?
> Thanks & Regards in Advance
> Anirban Adhikary.

Did you try to use uniq comand from the Unix bash? I think code would be much 
easy (use exe or sytem to call the command).

Otherwise, $count always equals to zero when going into dup subroutine.

Xavier Mas

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