On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 6:39 PM, Rob Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Amit Saxena wrote:
> >
> > What's the difference between "perl -w" and "use warnings" in perl ?
> >
> > If there is no difference, then the "use warnings" can be removed from
> the
> > perl programs and replace them with "perl -w".of removing "use warnings".
> The difference is that the pragma is lexically scoped (it affects only
> statements in the block of code where it appears) and it allows fine
> control
> over warning categories. So for instance you could write
>  use strict;
>  use warnings;
>  my $s = 'xxx';
>  {
>    no warnings qw/substr uninitialized/;
>    my $sub = substr $s, 10, 10;
>    print $sub;
>  }
> which is impossible with the command line switch, which is either on or
> off. See
>  perldoc perllexwarn
> for details.
> And I'm wondering why you would want to remove 'use warnings' from your
> program?
> Rob

It's a requirement from the client side, according to them as only "good"
code gets submitted from development environment to the production
environment, they don't need "use warnings" and also "perl -w" as well.

It might sound strange to you, (I also got surprised when I came to know
about it), but that's the truth !

Amit Saxena

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