
I have a large pipe delimited text file that i want to loop through and sort 
out a column of data within that file. Let's call this column $sizes. I want to 
group these different sizes into categories. i.e.
@sizeA = ("A","B","C");
@sizeB = ("D","E","F");
@sizeC = ("G","H","I");

This is what i want to do:

If $sizes is in @sizeA
print the sizes that are listed in @sizeA

If $sizes is in @sizeB
print the sizes that are listed in @sizeB

same for @sizeC. 

Could someone show me how to do this? Below is what i have so far. Thanks.

use strict;
use warnings;

open(IN, $ARGV[0]) || die "Could not open data file: $ARGV[0]\n";
my @sizes = (<IN>);

foreach my $line (@sizes)
        # split rows into columns
        my @fields = split "\t", $line;
        my $size = $fields[2];


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