On Tue, 2008-09-16 at 18:37 +0100, Nigel Peck wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm missing something here with regards http redirects.
> I'm trying to have my script redirect to itself through the browser so that 
> the URL changes in the browser.
> When I send the headers myself:
>       print 'Location: ' . $_[0] . "\n";
>       print 'Connection: close' . "\n\n";
> The redirect works but the web address does not change in the browser. When I 
> use:

# Get the computer to tell you what's happening

>       use CGI.pm;
>       my $q = new CGI;

print $q->header, $q->start_html, $q->p( 'CGI.pm redirect:' ), $q->start_pre;

>       print $q->redirect(
>               -location => $_[0],
>               -status => 301,
>       );

print $q->end_pre, $q->end_html;

> The redirect works and changes the browser URL.
> What is CGI.pm doing differently to me?
> I want to do this without using CGI.pm (so I understand what's going on).
> Thanks in advance,
> Nigel
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