These first four lines are how every Perl script I write starts.

#!/usr/bin/perl -T
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics -verbose;

my ($oldfile) = $ARGV[0] =~ /^([-a-zA-Z0-9._\/]+)$/;
die "bad old filename" unless $oldfile;

my ($newfile) = $ARGV[1] =~ /^([-a-zA-Z0-9._\/]+)$/;
die "bad new filename" unless $newfile;

open my $OF, "<", $oldfile or die "$oldfile: $!";
open my $NF, ">", $newfile or die "$newfile: $!";

my $letter = $& =~ /(?<=\<h1><)[a-z]{1,1}/;

while (my $line = <$OF>) {
my $navold = '<a href="../man0p_a">Man(0p) a';
my $navnew1 = '<a href="../man0p_';
my $navnew2 = '">Man(0p) ';
my $navnew3 = $navnew1 . $letter . $navnew2 . $letter;
    $line =~ s/$navold/$navnew3/g; # replace string
    print $NF $line;


I have read perlsyn, perldata, perlsub, perlop, perlfunc, perlvar, 
perlre, perlreref and perlref several times.

I am sure I have read exactly what I need to but I just don't seem 
to be able to see it or understand it.

I have messed around with this line several different ways

my $letter = $& =~ /(?<=\<h1><)[a-z]{1,1}/;

Perl does not complain but it does not do anything
I could use help understanding how to do this so it will work

I am trying to capture the first letter of a word between 

Then use that first letter to change the letter here

<a href="../man0p_x

and here

">Man(0p) x

x = the location of the letter that changes

so the nav links to the location of the docs are correct.

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