Rob Dixon wrote:
Richard Lee wrote:
one more question on reference,

if say you have sub as below

Your code is badly wrong. Please let me correct it first.

my @arrayref;

sub do_something {
        my $something = @_;

That will set $something to the number of parameters passed in @_

To retrieve the first parameter you should write

  my ($something) = @_;


  my $something = shift;

        open FILE, "$something", or die;

You should not quote scalar variables unless you know what it does and have a
reason to do it. Also the it is far better and safer to use lexical file handles
and the three-parameter form of open, and you should incorporate the $! variable
into the die string so that it is clear why the open has failed.

  open my $file, '<', $something or die $!;

        while (<FILE>) {

  while (<$file>) {

if you are using my proposed change.

             my @array = map (split /,/)[1,2,3,5];

That will probably not compile. You are calling

  map(split /,/)

and map requires either a block or an expression as its first parameter,
followed by a list to map. You mean simply

  my @array = (split /,/)[1,2,3,5];

             push @arrayref, [EMAIL PROTECTED];
       close FILE;

If you use a lexical file handle $file then it will be closed implicitly when it
goes out of scope at the end of the subroutine. There is no need for an explicit
 call to close.


my @arrayref_copy = do_something($something);

Let's for a moment forget about my inefficient style and just look at the last step. If I wanted to use @arrayref_copy and pass it into another subroutine,should I reference them again?(if file itself was pretty big?)

another_sub([EMAIL PROTECTED]); <-- is this the right thing to do? or is this redundant since array is already collection of reference?

sub another_sub {


Yes that would be fine. It helps because you're not copying all the references
to a second list. But I would go a step further and pass it back from the first
subroutine as a reference to an array. Like this

  sub read_file {

    my $name = shift;
    open my $fh, '<', $name or die $!;

    my @data;

    while (<$fh>) {
      my @record = (split /,/)[1, 2, 3, 5];
      push @data, [EMAIL PROTECTED];

    return [EMAIL PROTECTED];

 and then you can write

  my $data = read_file('filename');
  my $result = another_sub($data);

and so on.


This is great explanation.. thank you. I will re-read this to see if I can correct and manipulate my original program.

thank you.

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