On Oct 3, 10:03 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matej Cepl) wrote:
> I have a script for archiving email messages on IMAP (whole code
> is available athttp://mcepl.fedorapeople.org/tmp/archiveIMAP.pl). I go through
> all messages in one source folder and put all of those which
> I want to archive to hash indexed by the target folder:
> ...
> $targetFolder = getTargetFolder($folder,$msgYear);
> push ( @{ $targetedMessages{$folder} } , $msg);
> ...
> and then just go through the hash and actually move all messages
> which should go to one target folder:
>     foreach my $tFolder (keys %targetedMessages) {
>         if (!($imap->exists($tFolder))) {
>             $imap->create($tFolder)
>                 or die "Could not create $tFolder: [EMAIL PROTECTED]";
>         }
>         $imap->move($tFolder,[EMAIL PROTECTED]);
>     }
> EPIC complains about the @-sign in the last line of this snippet
> -- that I should use $-sign when trying to slice the array. But
> I am not trying to slice an array (at least I hope). Just
> following perldsc(1) I am trying to get whole array and use it as
> a parameter of the method move.
> Who's wrong? Me or EPIC?


%targetedMessages is a hash
$targetedMessages{$tFolder} is an element of that hash, that happens
to be a reference to an array.
@{$targetedMessaages{$tFolder}} would be the array that
$targetedMessages{$tFolder} references.
if you were to put a slash in front of that, you'd have yet another
reference to this same array.  But of course there is no need to do
that, as $targetedMessages{$tFolder} is already a reference to the

@targetedMessages{$tFolder} is a one-element slices of the hash
%targetedMessages.  It is the list containing
( $targetedMessages{$tFolder} ).

Since you can't take a reference to a slice, the \ instead does the
same thing it does to any other list - returns a list of references to
the list elements.  You are therefore getting back a reference to
$targetedMessages{$tFolder}, which is itself already a reference.  And
you are trying to pass that array-reference-reference as a parameter.

If you want to pass a reference to the array, use
If you want to dereference the reference and pass the array elements,
use @{$targetdMessages{$tFolder}}

Paul Lalli

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