I am doing a script which updates data sets of thousands of customers on a 
regular base.
(Volume data managemed.) This should be near realtime, so the customers know, 
how much data they transmitted and how much they have to pay.

Because of the type of traffic measurement the input comes in blocks of 1-100 
datasets which has to be updated.

I found some ideas how to optimize the DB-Updates. 

Because my DB-Transactions are very simple updates / inserts I am thinking 
about the best way to optimize the process.

My thoughts:

Cache all input for a given time and put them in a single statement, which I 
can execute with one $dbh->do()? 


Build the standard statement, utilizing placeholders for example:

my $sql = qq/INSERT INTO Products   ( ProductCode, ProductName, Price )   
VALUES   ( ?, ?, ? )/;

$sth $dbh->prepare($sql);

and then execute every single statement on its own.


Keep it simple and do() very dataset on its own to the db. (I guess this is the 
worst idea.)


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