six24hourdays wrote:
> On Oct 21, 11:06 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chas. Owens) wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 10:56, David Stiff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> There probably is a better approach.
>>> I am going through a list of Subversion branch names, e.g.
>>> BRANCH_1
>>> BRANCH_1
>>> BRANCH_2
>>> BRANCH_2
>>> BRANCH_3
>>> BRANCH_3
>>> BRANCH_4
>>> BRANCH_4
>>> and checking to see if $branch eq $lastBranch. Then I do something.
>>> The problem is that the last time through the loop, e.g. BRANCH_4,
>>> nothing happens because the IF never evaluates to true.
>> If I understand you correctly then this code should work for you:
>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>> use strict;
>> use warnings;
>> #open my $fh, "-|", "svn somehing"
>> #       or die "could not run 'svn something': $!";
>> my $old_branch = '';
>> while (my $new_branch = <DATA>) { #use $fh here instead of DATA
>>         chomp $new_branch;
>>         if ($old_branch eq $new_branch) {
>>                 print "doing stuff to $new_branch\n";
>>         }
>>         $old_branch = $new_branch;
>> }
>> __DATA__
>> --
>> Chas. Owens
>> The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.
> This works if there are 2 of each branch (as in the example). If there
> are more then the IF condition is true more times than I want. I only
> want a condition to be true for the transition to a new branch. Then I
> email the branch owner with the list.
> Right now I am just pushing a dummy entry onto the end of the list so
> my IF condition (if $branch ne $lastBranch) is true at the transition.

I'm sure what Chas mean was this

  if ($old_branch ne $new_branch) {
    print "doing stuff to $new_branch\n";

which works fine.

If you prefer you could use a hash, which is the classical way to determine
whether a data item has been seen already. Use a loop like this.

  my %branches;
  while (my $name = <DATA>) {
    chomp $name;
    next if $branches{$name}++;

    print "doing stuff to $name\n";



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