Rob Dixon wrote:
Richard Lee wrote:
while trying to study the article on,

regarding XML parsing, I need bit of clarfication.

how do I parse out

<image src="";
width="145" height="190" />

I tried $book->{image}->{src}... but doesn't work.. I need some understanding on how these information is stored.

parsing code

  use XML::Simple qw(:strict);

  my $library  = XMLin($filename,
    ForceArray => 1,
    KeyAttr    => {},

  foreach my $book (@{$library->{book}}) {
print $book->{title}->[0], "\n"

XML file

      <title>Perl Best Practices</title>
      <author>Damian Conway</author>
      <image src="";
             width="145" height="190" />
      <title>Perl Cookbook, Second Edition</title>
      <author>Tom Christiansen</author>
      <author>Nathan Torkington</author>
      <image src="
             width="145" height="190" />
      <title>Guitar for Dummies</title>
      <author>Mark Phillips</author>
      <author>John Chappell</author>
      <image src="
             width="100" height="125" />

I agree with Stewart that XML::Simple is far from simple in practice. For the
selection of options for XMLin you have used, you can access the image data like

foreach my $book (@{$library->{book}}) {
  my $title = $book->{title}[0];
  my $image = $book->{image}[0];
  print "$title\n";
  print "  $image->{src}\n";
  print "  $image->{width}\n";
  print "  $image->{height}\n";

but the structure of the data will change depending on what options are set, and
in general it is very difficult to use XML::Simple without also using
Data::Dumper to inspect the data structure that has actually been generated.


thanks all!

Will try few others now.

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