kenTk schreef:

> My real application is in logging numerous sets of results each set
> saved in
> an anonymous array and those arrays referenced from a master array
> called @$arrayREFS
> When the results are read I clear the data using
> @{$arrayREFS[$index]}=();
> but am concerned that Perl's auto-creation of anonymous arrays may not
> reuse the memory that was used before and may grab new memory each
> time that one is created.
> What about
> $arrayREFS[$index]=undef;
> As an alternative way of deleting the data?

Show a real working example of what you mean, and we can give you tips
on how to do it better.

To give you an idea:

    my @sums;

    for my $i ( 1 .. 4 ) {
       my $data = get_data_from_file( $file[$i] );
       my $sum;
       $sum += $_ for @$data;
       push @sums, $sum;
    print "$_\n" for @sums;

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

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