Hi Andy,

Andy Cravens wrote:
Is there a way to have multiple users on a server using the perl at /usr/local/bin/perl and yet have their own personal perl modules that the other users can't see?

During module install you can specify an alternate location to install the module using LIBS=/path/to/your/perlmods like this:

perl Makefile.PL LIBS=/home/jdoe/perlmods

but if I'm correct, I think these perl modules will be seen by everybody on the server. Can someone clarify this?

I'm not sure if this is of any help since it was a while ago that I tried this. But I have done this before and if I recall, I did something like:

perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=~/perl

And then make;make test;make install. I don't recall using "LIBS". And then, I had to do: "use lib '...path in my home directory...';" in my programs. They were in my home directory, so no, no one could see them.


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