Jeff Pang wrote:
I didn't see you assign a value to %forecast but you can loop through it,why?

----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Lee To: Perl Beginners Subject: trying to parse out the simple xml file from the book with XML::Parser
 and I get not well-formed error
Date: 2008-11-3 09:48:05

use strict;

use warnings;

use XML::Parser;

my %forecast;

my @curr;

my $type;

my $p1 = new XML::Parser(Style => 'Stream');

my $yahoo = shift;


print "Outlook: $forecast{outlook}\n";

foreach (keys %forecast) {

    next if /outlook/;

    print "$_: $forecast{$_}->{val} $forecast{$_}->{deg}\n";


??????????????????????????????????????( )
I am not sure if you got the entire code but after the loop through, there are more codes which when it encounters tags, it builds %forecast hash as below

sub StartTag {
my ($p, $tag) = @_;

push @curr, $tag;

if ($tag eq 'TEMPERATURE') {
$type = $_{TYPE};
$forecast{$type}->{deg} = $_{DEGREES};

sub EndTag {
pop @curr;

sub Text {
my ($p) = shift;

return unless /\S/;


if ($curr[-1] eq 'OUTLOOK') {
$forecast{outlook} .= $_;
} elsif ( $curr[-1] eq 'TEMPERATURE' ) {
$forecast{$type}->{val} = $_;

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