On Tue Nov 04 2008 @  4:11, Rob Dixon wrote:
> > Rob Dixon wrote:
> If I had things my way there would never be any use of Perl as a command-line
> tool. 

Isn't this throwing out the baby with the bathwater? Here's a random, real,
recent example of why I'm not giving up Perl on the command line. I
had to reformat a computer at work and as always I put a bunch of
personal Perl scripts into $HOME/bin. The versions I had saved started with
#!/usr/bin/perl, but I wanted them to use #!/usr/local/bin/perl (5.10 with
added modules rather than Apple's default, system-wide version of 5.8.x).

Why write, save and run a 10 line script when I can simply do this?
perl -i.bak -pe 's{/usr/bin/perl}{/usr/local/bin/perl}' *

You write as though our only options are "portraying Perl as a command-line
tool" or never using it on the command line. I think that there's a lot of
middle ground. (All of that said, I'm writing this email using vim & mutt,
notwithstanding all the Apple-y gui goodness at my command. So, maybe I'm


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