Rob Dixon wrote:
> Jack Gates wrote:
>> On Friday 26 September 2008 02:52:45 pm Rob Dixon wrote:
>>> Jack Gates wrote:
>>>> On Friday 26 September 2008 01:20:29 pm Rob Dixon wrote:
>>>>> Jack Gates wrote:
>>>>>> s!(<|</)([^\!][A-Z0-9 ]+>)!$1\L$2\E!g;
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> s/(<|<\/)([^!][A-Z0-9 ]+>)/$1\L$2\E/g;
>>>>>> The RE above captures and replaces all HTML tags with
>>>>>> lowercase as desired except for any tag that has only one
>>>>>> letter such as <P>, <B> or <I>
>>>>>> It will get the </B>, </P> and </I>
>>>>>> It properly ignores the <!DOCTYPE> tag
>>>>>> What is the correct way to write the above RE?
>>>>> HTML tag names can't contain spaces, so you want
>>>>>     s|(</?)([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*)|$1\L$2|g;
>>>> Thanks for the effort. Your RE does not work as well as what I
>>>> have.
>>>> HTML tags can contain spaces.
>>>> You forgot about
>>>> <p id="something" class="something">
>>> No, I didn't. The tag name is 'p' and it has no spaces in it. The
>>> tag has two attributes named 'id' and 'class'. They don't have
>>> spaces in them either.
>>> If you prefer yours that doesn't work on tags with
>>> single-character names just because it happens to also modify the
>>> first attribute name then go ahead and use it.
>>> I'm pretty sure there is no simple way to change the case of a
>>> tag's name and all its attribute names while leaving the
>>> attribute values intact.
>> I was not talking about the HTML tag name but the entire tag which 
>> includes everything in it.
>> And yes I have a RE that does exactly what I want with John's help.
>> Rob, PLEASE STOP CCing ME. I am subscribed to the list.
> That's fine, I shall stop trying to help you altogether. You are very rude and
> don't want to accept correction.

I am posting this again for the consideration of the moderators.

This is the worst example of asking for help I have ever seen.


- The resolution that you chose was crude and applicable only to your example

- You don't appear to understand what an HTML tag name is

- You asked and got very good free help. To expect to fine-tune the presentation
  of that help without paying a thing is pompous in the extreme


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