On Nov 12, 6:55 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Dixon) wrote:
> > Hi I am new to this group and to Perl.
> > I am having trouble with searching and replacing a pattern in a file
> > and then
> > copying to a new file.  I am trying to write an interactive program to
> > do this
> > where I input the file name for the search and replace and the file
> > name
> > for the modified file to be saved.
> > Here is my code.
> > Can anyone offer any suggestions?
> > Thanks in advance.
> > #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> > use strict;
> > my $input;
> > my $output;
> > my $search;
> > my $replace;
> > print "enter an input file name:\n";
> > $input = <STDIN>;
> > chomp ($input);
> > print "enter an output file name:\n";
> > $output = <STDIN>;
> > chomp ($output);
> > print "enter a search pattern:\n";
> > $search = <STDIN>;
> > chomp ($search);
> > print "enter a replacement string:\n";
> > $replace = <STDIN>;
> > 's/$search/$replace/g' $input >> $output;
> You need to open your input and output files, then lines from the input file,
> modify them, and write them to the output file one at a time.
> HTH,
> Rob
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> print "enter an input file name:\n";
> my $input = <STDIN>;
> chomp ($input);
> print "enter an output file name:\n";
> my $output = <STDIN>;
> chomp ($output);
> print "enter a search pattern:\n";
> my $search = <STDIN>;
> chomp ($search);
> print "enter a replacement string:\n";
> my $replace = <STDIN>;
> chomp ($replace);
> open my $in, '<', $input or die "Can't open '$input': $!";
> open my $out, '>', $output or die "Can't open '$output': $!";
> while (<$in>) {
>   s/\Q$search/$replace/g;
>   print $out $_;
> }- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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