Richard Lee wrote:
Richard Lee wrote:
Chas. Owens wrote:
my $sabal = new XML::Twig(
             twig_roots          => {
                    'foo/yahoo'  =>
                    #'[EMAIL PROTECTED]"kingtony"]'   =>
                        sub {
                               my ($yabal, $element ) = @_;
if ( $element->first_child('bayking_list')->first_child('bayking')->att('id') eq 'kingtony' ) {

I think I made a mistake .. this is now working...

<yahoo V="baz"><bay_id><value>1000</value><fact>yes</fact></bay_id><bay_seen><value>50</value><fact>no</fact></bay_seen><bay_overall value="disabled"/><bayking_list><bayking active="true" country="Russia" id="kingtony"><bayking type="dictator"/><bay_usage value="none"/><bayking_origin><bayking_origin_name emmigrate="no" value="ohio_usa"><economy_status_previous value="very poor"/></bayking_origin_name></bayking_origin></bayking></bayking_list><bayqueen_list><bayqueen active="true" country="japan" id="queensarah"><bayqueen type="dictator"/><bay_usage value="none"/><bayqueen_origin><bayqueen_origin_name emmigrate="no" value="ca_usa"/><economy_status_previous value="very poor"/><previous marriage="no"/></bayqueen_origin></bayqueen></bayqueen_list></yahoo>

Now, I just need good way to put this into hash of hash referernce.....
ok so I gave up putting them into has of hash reference because of unpredictableness of items.. I can get to all values by doing manual $_->first_child method... but my problem is, I don't know how to extract all information on
<yahoo V="baz">.....  how do I get that?  $_->parent?

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