On Nov 22, 6:16 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dermot) wrote:
> 2008/11/22 Sureshkumar M (HCL Financial Services) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hi All,
> Hi
> > #!/usr/bin/perl
> # Always use these, particularly when things aren't working as expected.
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> > open(DATA,"i")||die "Unable to open the file";
> > while(<DATA>)
> > {
> > if($_=~/(\d{2})([\W])\1\2\1]/)
> I could be wrong but I don't think \w will not match a hypen "-" so
> the test will fail.
> This works for me:
> if ($_=~/\d{1,2}-(\d{2}|\w{3})-\d+/)
> HTH,
> Dp.

Thanks for the reply.  I added strict and warning, and thankfully,
there were no messages.

The while loop on the file handle makes sense - I should do that.

What are you referring to in the if part?  I see I have an unescaped
hyphen which
I will make \- in the regexp compare.  But what is the compare you are

Also, I ran the script many times just now - it runs so fast, I can't
see why it's
causing the CPU surge:

<Q>$ time proc-js*pl
    0.29s real     0.24s user     0.04s system
<Q>$ time proc-js*pl
    0.33s real     0.28s user     0.03s system
<Q>$ time proc-js*pl
    0.39s real     0.34s user     0.05s system


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