Here's a sample program to show the problems I'm having with regexps:
my $s = "a\tb";

my $m1 = "\t";
my $m2 = "\\t"; # both "\t" and "\\t" are treated specially
my $r1 = "\t";
my $r2 = "\\t";

my $s1 = $s;
my $s2 = $s;
$s1 =~ s/$m1/$r1/;
$s2 =~ s/$m1/$r2/;
print "\"$s\" =~ s/$m1/$r1/ -> \"$s1\"\n";
print "\"$s\" =~ s/$m1/$r2/ -> \"$s2\"\n";

my $s1 = $s;
my $s2 = $s;
$s1 =~ s/$m2/$r1/;
$s2 =~ s/$m2/$r2/;
print "\"$s\" =~ s/$m2/$r1/ -> \"$s1\"\n";
print "\"$s\" =~ s/$m2/$r2/ -> \"$s2\"\n";

$s = "aabcc";
$s1 = $s;
$s2 = $s;
my $m = "a(b)c"; # "(" is is treated specially, but "\\(" isn't
my $r = "$1";
$s1 =~ s/$m/$r/; # $r (= "$1") is substituted with an empty string
$s2 =~ s/$m/$1/; # $1 is substituted with "b"
print "\"$s\" =~ s/$m/\$r/ -> \"$s1\", where \$r=\"\$1\"\n";
print "\"$s\" =~ s/$m/\$1/ -> \"$s2\"\n";

It prints:
"a      b" =~ s/        /       / -> "a b"
"a      b" =~ s/        /\t/ -> "a\tb"
"a      b" =~ s/\t/     / -> "a b"
"a      b" =~ s/\t/\t/ -> "a\tb"
"aabcc" =~ s/a(b)c/$r/ -> "ac", where $r="$1"
"aabcc" =~ s/a(b)c/$1/ -> "abc"

The first problem (as you've probably already realized from the first
4 lines of the output) is that in the search expression both the tab
character "\t" and the backslash+t sequence "\\t" are treated the
same, as the tab character. Why is that?

The second problem is that in the replace expression the same backslash
+t sequence isn't treated "\\t" the same way as in the search
expression. Why is this inconsistency? Can I somehow force s/// to
treat "\\t" in replace as "\t"?

The third problem should be apparent from the last 2 lines of the
output. I want the $1 match (and possibly a few more) to come from
elsewhere (string data) and not be predetermined by the code. But it
doesn't seem to work this way. Is it possible to fix this?


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