John W. Krahn wrote:
Richard wrote:
John W. Krahn wrote:

You want something more like this:

sub counter {
    my $count;
    my $clear = `clear`;
    my $counting = <<'EOF';
|           Counting...                            |
|           %2d                                     |
|                                                  |
    return sub { local $| = 1; printf $counting, $clear, ++$count }

my $yeah = counter();
for ( 1 .. 35 ) {
    sleep 1;

this is interesting and this also works well.
My question is, how does perl know in this instance that %2d is refering to $count.. is it because $clear contains none numeric value or because $count contains numeric value?

$counting contains the format string for printf() and the first argument $clear is substituted for '%s' in $counting and the second argument ++$count is substituted for '%2d' in $counting. They are substituted in the same order as they appear.

Just curious, in programming in general, is it possible to do other things while counting is going on?
Is this possible in perl?

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