Thanks for hint Mike. I think now I will be able to proceed.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Ward [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2009 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: How to know no. of times the script has been executed?

sanket vaidya wrote:

> Hi all,
> I want to do something like this.
> Invoke a cmd (using system command) print a welcome message & execute 
> the remaining part of script.
> Now what I want is
> 1. cmd should only be invoked with welcome message if the script is 
> executed first time.
> 2. I want the remaining part of script to be executed till we exit the 
> cmd session.
> e.g.
> system 'start cmd /k echo Welcome'
> {
> remaining part of script
> }
> cmd should be invoked only once at start of session & the remaining 
> part should be executed till the end of session.
> Any hints. How to do that?

I'd just store the number of times it's been run in a .file in the home
directory (/home/user/.myscript). If the file doesn't yet exist, then it's
the first time the script has run. Otherwise read the number from the file,
and increment it.

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