Tony Esposito wrote:
> sth->fetchrow_array fails with ODBC (DBD::ODBC) connection to SQL Server but 
> works fine with ORACLE using DBDOracle.  See error below ...
> DBD::ODBC::st fetchrow_array failed: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server 
> Driver]String d
> ata, right truncation (SQL-01004) at line 267, <CFGFILE> 
> lin
> e 2.
> DBD::ODBC::st fetchrow_array failed: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server 
> Driver]String d
> ata, right truncation (SQL-01004) at line 267, <CFGFILE> 
> lin
> e 2.
> CODE: (fetches a table row then writes each column of data separated by 
> delimiter)
> while ( @table_row = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
>       my $count = @table_row;           # get number of columns
>       for ( my $counter = 0; $counter < $count; $counter = $counter + 1 ) {
>         if ( $counter == $count - 1 ) { # if last col then no field delimiter
>           if ( defined($table_row[$counter]) ) {
>             print DATFILE "\"$table_row[$counter]\"";
>           }
>         } elsif ( !defined($table_row[$counter]) ) { # if no col data then 
> only field delimiter
>             print DATFILE "$field_term";
>         } else {                                     # otherwise, output col 
> and delimiter
>             print DATFILE "\"$table_row[$counter]\"$field_term";
>         }
>       } # end of for loop
>       print DATFILE "\n";   # when all cols outputted, print newline
>     } # end of inner while loop
>     #
>     # If verbose mode 'ON', then print to screen output info
>     #
>     if ( defined $opt{v} ) {
>         print STDOUT "Done.\n";
>     }
>     close (DATFILE);
>   } # end of outer while loop
> Has anyone seen this error before?

You have shown the wrong part of your code - the relevant section precedes this
part. But I suggest that you experiment with the value of $dbh->{LongReadLen}.
Set it after connecting to the the database and before preparing the statement
handle. Start with a value of about 80 like this

  $dbh->{LongReadLen} = 80;

and adjust it so that it is as small as possible but large enough to prevent the
error message appearing.



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