Thanks Rob, the solution which you suggested works fine. 



>-----Original Message-----
>From: Rob Dixon [] 
>Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 5:45 PM
>To: Perl Beginners
>Cc: S, Rajini (STSD)
>Subject: Re: Query in Perl Programming
>S, Rajini (STSD) wrote:
>> From: Gunnar Hjalmarsson []
>>> S, Rajini (STSD) wrote:
>>>> I am new to Perl Programming and have a query in perl. 
>>>> In perl is there any system defined functions to find out the 
>>>> Differences in dates.
>>>> Eg : 
>>>> Date 1 -> 26-Jan-2009
>>>> Date 2 -> 14-Jan-2009
>>>> So the difference between two dates is 12 days. 
>>>> Is there a way to achieve this with any system defined 
>functions In 
>>>> Perl ????
>>> It depends on what you mean by "system defined functions". 
>As others 
>>> have told you, there are many CPAN modules that deal with date and 
>>> time related tasks. Your particular problem can be easily solved 
>>> using only a module that is included in the standard Perl 
>>> distribution.
>>>     use Date::Parse;
>>>     my $time1 = str2time '26-Jan-2009';
>>>     my $time2 = str2time '14-Jan-2009';
>>>     print 'Difference: ',
>>>       sprintf( '%.0f', ($time1-$time2)/86400 ), " days\n";
>> Thanks Gunnar for the suggestions. 
>> In which version of perl is Parse module available. 
>> We have perl version 5.8.0 and parse module is not available. 
>(Please bottom-post your responses to this group. Thank you.)
>As far as I know Gunnar is mistaken and Date::Parse is not a 
>standard module in any version of Perl. However Time::Local 
>is, and you may be interested in the solution below that uses 
>it. If your dates aren't guaranteed to be well-formed then you 
>may want to do some checking on them before you call the 
>epoch_days function.
>use strict;
>use warnings;
>use Time::Local;
>my $days1 = epoch_days('26-Jan-2009');
>my $days2 = epoch_days('14-Jan-2009');
>print "Difference: @{[$days1 - $days2]} days\n";
>  my %month_num = do {
>    my $n = 1;
>    map(($_, $n++), qw/jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct 
>nov dec/);
>  };
>  sub epoch_days {
>    my @dmy = split /-/, shift;
>    $dmy[1] = $month_num{lc $dmy[1]} || 0;
>    return timelocal(0, 0, 0, @dmy) / (24 * 60 * 60);
>  }
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